
Forever STEF Logo on JacketFEIN#



Date Formed



Board Members & Positions

President – Joe Kanack
Vice President – April Kanack

Secretary – Kayla Goldschmidt

Officer – Gail Madson


IRS Status

Effective 08/09/2016 the IRS granted Non-Profit status as a 509(a) Private Foundation under IRS Section 501(c)3.

Donors can deduct contributions they make to the Special Thoughts Everyday Forever organization under IRC Section 170 (charitable contribution).


Our Mission

We lost our daughter, sister, granddaughter, aunt, niece, cousin and best friend Stefanie Kanack in July of 2015. Now through the Special Thoughts Everyday Forever (S.T.E.F.) organization, we are committed to touching lives just as Stef had done in the short time she was here. Through funding, educating and supporting community needs, we hope to impact those in need, just as Stef impacted all who knew her.